Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Laundry Detergent Thief Fails to Make a Clean Getaway

A thief who allegedly stole enough laundry detergent to do 82,500 loads of washing was arrested outside a Minnesota supermarket this week.

Patrick Paul Costanza failed to make a clean getaway with his stash of Tide after surveillance footage from the store showed he had been taking a cartload of the detergent nearly every day for a month.

Store managers got in a lather when they noticed $25,000 worth of detergent had gone missing from their inventory over a 15-month period. The tide turned for Costanza when police checked the store's surveillance footage and spotted him wheeling the stolen detergent out to his car.

Getting on his soap box, police chief Bud Shaver said there was a black market for items such as laundry soap, because they are expensive necessities.

Rumors that the thief is a washed-up child actor are as yet unconfirmed...

Click here for story

Photo: Daily Mail

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